I recently took a job located in Gaithersburg, MD, and with that comes a pretty sizeable move. I need to basically move across the country, and when I realized that this job offer was finalized, I almost had a panic attack, because I didn’t know how I would best transport my collection of remote control helicopters.
What ended up happening was a great story that I love to tell other helicopter enthusiasts or even other potential helicopter enthusiasts. Anyway, I called a few of my friends in the area, who are also remote control helicopter enthusiasts. Although none of them lived anywhere near Gaithersburg, MD, they were all ready and willing to help me in my move. They showed up a week in advance and helped me pack up my collection of about 7549 remote control helicopters, which ended up being a painstaking amount of wrapping, checking, and rewrapping of each helicopter and then placing them into a box and making sure that they won’t bump against each other or break during transport. I had to make sure that when I arrived in Gaithersburg, MD that my helicopters would still be intact, because I had a competition in the near future, and I didn’t want to lose even one of the helicopters in my large collection.
Luckily, my friends were extremely careful and considerate and made sure that they packaged each one carefully and when I finally arrived in Gaitherburg, by car, they were there to help with unloading as well. I just couldn’t believe that they took the time and the money for me. I never realized how helpful other helicopter enthusiasts could be, and I’ll never forget how wonderful they were during my move to my new job in Gaithersburg.
I am really now excited about my new job, and now that I’ve begun I am really thinking that this is the job for me, and someday when I find that someone else has to make a large move and they are worried about what they’ll do about packing up their own remote control helicopter collection, I will be right there to help them out. I am so happy that the helicopter enthusiasts in my community have such a “pay it forward” attitude, and I know that someday if I ever need them again, they’ll still be there for me. This is also something to consider when you purchase a remote control helicopter—are the people in the area going to be available to fly it with you? Because it’s often the most rewarding experience to teach someone else how to really master the flight of a helicopter, and without someone else there, you don’t get the same enjoyment out of flying.
Of course, if you’re the kind of person that really likes solitude, then maybe you would actually prefer to purchase you remote control helicopter in an area where there is a dearth of other helicopter enthusiasts, but these people are rare in the helicopter community. Believe me, I know a lot of them!
11 years ago
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